Printed excerpts
41 pages
Arden of Faversham
In his book A Short Account of Lord Cheyne, Lord Shorland and Mr. Thomas Arden, Henry Collyer, the owner of “liliputian popets”, revisits the account of a 1550 murder which led to the creation of Arden of Faversham – an anonymous play from the end of the 16th
century, whose authorship is unclear. It has been believed to be Thomas Kyd’s, Christopher Marlowe’s or even William Shakespeare’s. Today, it is considered the work of several authors.
A Short Account provides clues about the way Collyer adapted Arden of Faversham for his puppet theatre. The author explains the conspiracy, describes the characters and their costumes, and includes several lines from his show so that the readers and future members of the audience can appraise the quality and style of his work. He makes a point of setting himself apart from other puppeteers – whom he deems vulgar and ignorant and accuses of having ruined the reputation of puppet theatre.
Punch plays the role of Adam Foule – the owner of the Flower de Luce inn.
A man is murdered by his wife and her lover
Arden of Faversham relates the murder of Thomas Arden - the mayor of Faversham - orchestrated by his wife and her lover.
First performance
Lilliputian Popets
Publications and translations
Henry Collyer, A Short Account of Lord Cheyne, Lord Shorland, and Mr. Thomas Arden. Canterbury: printed by the author, 1739.