Francesco Ferrajolo
Francesco Ferrajolo was a glove puppeteer, eldest son of the famous guarattellaro Pasquale Ferrajolo. Francesco began his career as a puppeteer at the age of 8, when he stood in for his sick father. In 1924, he also made his debut as an actor, becoming an acclaimed performer of Pulcinella. During the Second World War, he managed a bar in Caserta. In 1949, he returned to Salerno where he resumed his work as a puppeteer with his children Vittorio, Pasquale and, later, Adriano. Like his father Pasquale, Francesco wrote and directed plays with Pulcinella inspired by the comedies performed by actors. However, unlike his father, he stopped performing the classic guarattelle repertoire and did not use the small puppet booth typical of this theater. He only used a larger structure allowing several performers to work together and several characters to appear on stage at the same time. He continued to use the swazzle.
- 'Na purga 'e sale inglese – Around 1940
- I due ciabattini – 1950s