Lições de voo
Lições de voo (Flying lessons) was written by Isabel Barros, in partnership with Micaela Soares and Vítor Gomes. The text drew inspiration from João Vaz de Carvalho’s illustrations. The play mentions a number of movements and landscapes connected to flying figures and explores several flight possibilities with animals, humans and machines. It features a particular theatrical device, as Portuguese sign language is used. As such, the play takes up an experiment which started in 2017 with Como um carrossel.
Several characters try to take flight
Abu is an imaginary place in the desert, inhabited by Mica – a young girl who enjoys counting the birds that fly above her – and her grandfather, who teaches her a secret way to fly without wings. According to his magic formula, one only needs to listen to the wind while exhaling deeply. A giant slide represents a dune. Behind it is a springboard which Mica and her grandfather – played by actors – use to jump and try to take flight. Several birds and a dragonfly try too, but without success. Then, the young girl – represented by a puppet – tries again. She is swept by the wind: she jumps, sways, walks clumsily and then falls over. A dragonfly slides down a ski slope, blowing air to maintain balance while also protecting itself from the cold. Several contraptions, flying machines and planes arrive on stage; they are manipulated by actors. At the end, a mysterious character named Flyer declares that he must leave, because he may otherwise become part of the desert.
First performance
Teatro Municipal de Matosinhos Constantino Nery. Directed by Isabel Barros (Teatro de Marionetas do Porto)