A revolta dos objetos


A revolta dos objetos

Uma conferência animada

| 2021 | Porto, Portugal
Conferencista, Assistente, Técnico
Number of acts

A revolta dos objetos. Uma conferência animada (The rebellion of objects. An animated conference) brought to an end a cycle that had begun with the play Objetoteca popular itinerante (Popular itinerant object-library). A revolta dos objetos is a work of research on objects retracing the previous plays of the company – the Teatro de Ferro. The show was scheduled at the FIMP (Porto International Puppet Festival) in 2021 and at the FIMFA (International Festival of Puppets and Animated Forms) in Lisbon in 2022.

Plot summary

A conference is continuously interrupted

A theoretician is giving a lecture on philosophical and artistic concepts inherent to objects and mentioning ancient philosophers and Bauhaus artists, among other people. However, he is constantly interrupted by his assistant sharing information with him, by technical problems or elements that seem out of control: microphones moving in all directions, the light being turned off, objects falling, …

In a second part, the conference goes over different works of the company and reveals the creative processes behind the shows and the common thread bringing them together.

At the end, the theoretician tries to resume his lecture without success; the technician’s body mysteriously appears on the floor and a phantasmagorical atmosphere spreads. Curtains are brought down several times while the action of the play continues.

Composition date

First performance

Porto, Portugal, 20 October 2021 -

Teatro Municipal do Porto - Campo Alegre. Directed by Igor Gandra and Carla Veloso.

Conservation place

Company's archives
Literary tones
Philosophical tale, Comical, Fantastic
Animations techniques
Object theatre
All audiences


Theatrical techniques


Written by

Catarina Firmo