Animations techniques
Single rod marionettes
Single rod marionettes have a very limited capacity for movement. Attached to the top of the head of the figure, the rod enables the figure to be moved with varying degrees of precision depending on the method of attachment, but the movements of the arms and legs are not directly controlled: they are produced by the shaking and impulses given by the puppeteer. This method of manipulation is used in several regional traditions, notably in Cologne, in Liège for the Tchantchès repertoire, or in Evora for the Bonecos de Santo Aleixo.
- Auto do Nascimento do Menino – End of the 18th century?
- Filomena e Zeferino – End of 18th century (?)
- Auto da Criação do Mundo – End of the 18th century (?)
- Faust – 1847
- Le Chevalier Soleie – Around 1890
- Histoire du terrible chevalier Fichtou – Around 1890
- Li Naissance – Around 1910
- Histoire de Paladin Roland – Around 1910
- Le Chevalier Soleil – Around 1920
- Le Destin de la princesse Églantine – 1927
- Jean le Peureux – 1992
- Dal Catai a Parigi – 2006
- Aladino di tutti i colori – 2007
- Chevaleresse – 2013
- Les Quatre Fils Aymon – 2013