Auto da Criação do Mundo


55 pages

Auto da Criação do Mundo

| End of the 18th century (?) | Borba, Portugal
Genre (as defined by the author)
Voz, Coro, Sol, Lua, Padre Chancas, Mestre Salas, Padre Eterno, Adão, Eva, Serpente, Anjo, Fiandeira, Abel, Caim, Diabo I, Diabo II, Diabo III
Number of acts

Auto da Criação do Mundo (Auto of the Creation of the World) belongs to a cycle on the theme of religion for traditional Portuguese puppets from the region of Alentejo, known as Bonecos de Santo Aleixo. This repertory also includes the Auto do Nascimento do Menino (Auto of the Nativity) and Os Martírios do Senhor ou Auto da Paixão (The Suffering of the Lord or Auto of the Passion).

In the 1970s, this theatre had almost disappeared. Thanks to an institutional plan, however, all the puppets and the altarpiece of the Bonecos were bought from the last traditional owner-puppeteer - Mestre António Joaquim Talhinhas – and entrusted in 1980 to the actors of the professional theatre company Évora (CENDREV). Today, performances of this play follow the outlines of Talhinhas’ text. They aim at safeguarding the local heritage, the origins of which presumably date back to the end of the 18th century.

The repertory that was passed down orally, with no written record, featured moments of improvisation. Short extracts were published in some anthologies (Azinhal Abelho, Teatro Popular Português, vol. VI (Ao Sul do Tejo). Braga: Editora Pax, 1973) and audio recordings were made by Michel Giacometti and Fernando Lopes Graça (Edições Strauss, CD SP4240, 2000).

The Auto features many danced and sung parts with musical accompaniment – played on a Portuguese guitarra. It shows scenes inspired from the first chapter of the Book of Genesis, from the creation of light to the damnation of Cain.

The characters speak with the regional accent from Alentejo. Two friends, Mestres-Sales (the “master of the room”) and Padre Chancas (the Vicar) appear several times during the show, in comic or satirical interludes which lead to many lazzi (blows with a stick, games between Mestres Sales and animals, …).

Plot summary

The Creation of the World

The show begins with a ballet by the Angels, who kneel before God. Then Mestre-Salas and Padre Chancas talk in a comic way. In the Garden of Eden, God creates the light, the Sun and the Moon, that all quarrel to determine which one of them is the most important. God creates Adam and Eve, then plants and animals. He asks the couple not to touch the tree of the knowledge of good and evil under any circumstances. The snake tempts Eve, who bites into the apple of the tree, then has Adam taste it too. God discovers their violation and throws Adam, Eve and the Snake out of paradise. On earth, Adam and Eve live in poverty – Adam works the land and Eve spins wool. Adam is angry and accuses Eve of having caused their misery and he hits her while she insults him. Adam asks for God’s forgiveness. Adam and Eve’s sons, Abel and Cain, make offerings to God. Cain envies God’s preference for his brother and makes fun of Abel (who wets himself out of fear) before killing him. Abel’s corpse is carried into Heaven by the Angels. Eve loses her temper with Cain, who insults her, shows no remorse and defies God. The latter curses Cain by making him all black and damning him. Even in Hell, Cain continues to brag, and he makes fun of demons. He cheats while playing cards again the Devil. The show ends with a gag: a voice in the wings relates that a banger popped in the room and tore a hole in the pants of a member of the audience.

Related works
Old Testament
Composition date

First performance

Évora, Portugal, 1981 -

Centro Cultural de Évora, Escola de FormaçãoTeatral, Grupo IV

Publications and translations


Autos, Passos e Bailinhos. Os textos dos Bonecos de Santo Aleixo. Christine Zurbach, José Alberto Ferreira, Paula Seixas (dir.), Évora: Casa do Sul/Centro Dramático de Évora/Centro de História da Arte e Investigação Artística, 2007

Literary tones
Religious, Comical, Farcical, Fantasy
Animations techniques
Single rod marionettes
Not specified
Public domain


Theatrical techniques


Written by

Christine Zurbach