La Gran Via - Nino Pozzo (Matteo Pozzo)

Typed or electronic text with handwritten annotations

6 pages


La Gran Via

Nino Pozzo (Matteo Pozzo) | Circa 1930 | Verona, Italy
Cavaliere di Grazia, Primo Ladrone, Secondo Ladrone, Terzo Ladrone, Borgomastro, Coro di vie, La Guardia
Number of acts

The play is a rewriting of a famous Spanish zarzuela, La Gran Vía, composed in 1886 by Joaquín Valverde and Federico Chueca, that was very famous in Italy. Probably Nino Pozzo made use of Valverde's original music, but there is no evidence of it. The three thieves were represented by the traditional glove-puppets of Brighella, Fasolino and Sandrone.

Plot summary

An authority smooths jealousy among his people

The old streets of Madrid sing, then comes the Mayor who announces the opening of a new street. The old streets protest and pretend to be the more beautiful ones, but the Mayor calms them down. Three thieves appear and vanish as they see a Guard with a cage. The Mayor comes again and suggest to go to the sea-shore, where sailors sing a serenade, then he invites everyone to go to the official opening of the new street. The performance ends with a final song.

Related works
La Gran Via, Joaquín Valverde, Federico Chueca
Composition date
Circa 1930

First performance

Verona, Italy, Circa 1930

Conservation place

Fondo Nino Pozzo - Verona, Italy
Literary tones
Animations techniques
Not specified


Theatrical techniques


Written by

Francesca Cecconi