55 pages
L'èxit és l'ombra
Obra per a actriu i titelles
This work, by one of the most representative authors of the new Valencian dramaturgy, is the result of a commission to write a play for puppets by the Bambalina Titelles d'Albaida company.
A celebrity renounces her fame
A famous artist who has failed in her family and love life finds it very difficult to interact socially. She doesn't like fame and prefers to remain unnoticed, but everyone who knows her tries to take advantage of her success: family members, the mayor of her home town, friends who invite her to add glamour to their parties. One boy has very deep feelings for her, feelings that his Siamese twin does not share. Tired of it all, the girl accepts a frog's proposal: for her life to change, she must kiss it. She accepts and her fame disappears: she becomes a different woman.
Publications and translations
Rodolf Sirera, Pasqual Alapont, Paco Zarzoso. Umbracles. Albaida: Museu Internacional de Titelles d'Albaida (MITA), 2001.