Handwritten outline
4 pages
Fasolino soldato in Francia
The manuscript of Fasolino soldato is an outline for the actors to improvise on. It is kept in the Fonds Nino Pozzo and bound in the same book as La pubblica piazza, although there is no connection between the two plays. Throughout his career, Pozzo developed the theme of Fasolino as a solider in three plays: Fasolino soldato in Francia (Fasolino solider in France), Fasolino soldato ingelese (Fasolino the English solider) and Fasolino soldato in Russia (Fasolina soldier in Russia). These three outlines are different in the places they mention, but also with regard to the action itself.
The play was performed by Nino Pozzo from the late 1930s to the late 1940s. It does not appear to have any direct link with the war, but uncertainty remains as the manuscript features no date, and the second half of it was lost.
A thwarted love
Florindo confesses his love for Rosaura to Fasolino, and he declares that this love is so strong that he will kill himself if he cannot marry her. But Fasolino explains that the marriage is virtually impossible, as Rosaura’s father – Pantalone – wants her to marry Gervasio, a wealthy retired colonel.
Florindo sings a serenade for Rosaura, with a group of singers. Pantalone and Brighella hear the music and come out of the house to see what it is happening. Brighella tells Pantalone that this is Florindo’s plan to persuade Rosaura not to marry Gervasio. Pantalone asks his daughter to explain herself, and she confesses that she loves Florindo.
Right away, Pantalone decides to leave for Paris with Brighella and Rosaura, so that the latter forgets about Florindo. Pantalone suggests that they invite Gervasio to Paris in the meantime. Florindo and Fasolino overhear him and decide to go to Paris too. Florindo promises Rosaura that he will meet her in Paris. Brighella tells Sandrone and Gervasio that they are leaving for Paris. Gervasio swears that he will get his revenge on Florindo, and he sends Sandrone to the port and asks him to save them cabins on the next boat.