Li Naissance


23 pages

Li Naissance

| Around 1910 | Liège, Belgium
Zacharie, L'Archange Gabriel, Élisabeth, Marie, Joseph, Bergers, Mages, Hérode, Prêtre Simenon
Number of acts

Pierre-Paul Pinet’s Li Naissance is mostly faithful to the biblical story and to the traditional representation of Li Naissance in Liège (characterised by a scene staging the massacre of innocents). However, the beginning of the play is original, as Pinet does not start the story with Joseph and Mary, but with a prayer by Zechariah (John the Baptist’s father).

The play is written like a tale, with a few dialogues whose stage directions were added by another person. Several spelling mistakes are found in the text, which may indicate that it was dictated.

The Museum of Walloon Life in Liège owns two handwritten versions of the play. They are almost identical, save for the meeting scene with the Sower, which only appears in one of the two versions.

Plot summary

The birth of Jesus

Zechariah prays to God for a son. The Archangel Gabriel appears and announces that his wish is granted, but Zachariah does not believe him. Because of his disbelief, the Angel strikes him mute. When Zechariah comes back home, his wife Elizabeth announces that their son is born.

Meanwhile, Marie rejects Joseph’s marriage proposal. The Archangel Gabriel appears before her and announces the birth of her cousin Elizabeth’s son. Marie must have a son too. She must accept Joseph’s proposal and, after visiting her cousin, go to Bethlehem with her husband. Marie obeys.

Three Magi present themselves at Herod’s court. They have heard that the king of the Jews is born and are looking for him to bring him presents. Herod did not know about his being born. As soon at the Magi leave, he orders that the child be found and killed.

In the stable, the Shepherds join the Angel in a song to rejoice about the birth of the Saviour. The Magi offer their presents to the infant Jesus. The Angel warns them about Herod’s order and asks them to go back home by a different route. As the Magi do not come back, Herod orders that all the children under two be killed.

Later, the Angel tells Marie and Joseph that they can go back to Judea because Herod has died.

Related works
New Testament
Composition date
Around 1910

First performance

Liège, Belgium

Publications and translations

Conservation place

Musée de la Vie Wallonne, Liège - Liège, Belgium
Literary tones
Dramatic, Religious
Animations techniques
Single rod marionettes
Public domain


Theatrical techniques


Written by

Yanna Kor