Manuscript23 pagesLi Naissance | Around 1910 | Liège, Belgium | FrenchApparition of an angelSongSpeechless characterMassacre scenePrayerBirthAnnunciationThe Massacre of the InnocentsCribLiterary tonesDramatic, ReligiousAnimations techniquesSingle rod marionettes
Handwritten outline17 pagesHistoire de Paladin Roland | Around 1910 | Liège, Belgium | FrenchStoryApparition of the DevilFightMetamorphosisMassacre sceneScene of recognitionKnighthoodEnchantmentBattlePoisonQuestHalf-brotherGiantLiterary tonesEpic, FantasyAnimations techniquesSingle rod marionettesAudienceNot specified
Printed77 pagesCrac ! dans le sac ! | 1958 | Paris, France | FrenchDouble identityChange of head on sightMassacre sceneNight sceneApparition of the DevilApparition of a godAriaMagic objectHellHeavenRewardRivalry in lovePunishmentWeddingRevengeLiterary tonesComical, Fantasy, SatiricalAnimations techniquesGlove-puppetAudienceYoung audiences
Printed47 pagesThe ChildrenEdward Bond | 1999 | London, Great Britain | EnglishBlow with an objectWanderingActor speaking to an objectMassacre sceneApparition of a ghostMurder on stageChildViolenceConflagrationRevengePhantomLiterary tonesDramatic, Tragic, FantasticAnimations techniquesMannequin, Actor and puppetAudienceYoung audiences