Printed33 pagesLa Clémence de TitusMaurice Sand (Maurice Sand) | 1867 | Nohant, France | FrenchComedy of languageDinner sceneSung scenesPrologueAddress to the publicAllusion to the audienceMonologueStorytellerQuoteAncient historyLovePiracySlaveryAdventureEmperorRelationship between father and sonWeddingLiterary tonesComical, SatiricalAnimations techniquesGlove-puppet
Printed11 pagesTimothy Coombewest or Esmeralda Grande | 1900 | Strete, Ireland | EnglishNarratorShipwreck sceneAriaAccount of a dreamPiracyTreasureCurseWeddingLiterary tonesHumorous, DramaticAnimations techniquesToy theatreAudienceYoung audiences
Printed8 pagesJames Flaunty, or the Terror of the Western Seas | 1901 | Strete, Ireland | EnglishExecution sceneRelease of a prisonerPlot scenePiracyConspiracyCapital executions and executorsSacrificeLiterary tonesHumorous, DramaticAnimations techniquesToy theatreAudienceYoung audiences
Printed7 pagesThe Treasure of the Garden | 1902 | Strete, Ireland | EnglishNarratorSongTrapPiracySwindlingMigrantTreasureRenunciationShipwreckLiterary tonesIronic, Humorous, DramaticAnimations techniquesToy theatreAudienceYoung audiences
Printed5 pagesThe Scourge of The GulphOr Fierce Revenge | 1903 | Strete, Ireland | EnglishNarratorGunshotMurder on stageWanderingPlot twistRevengeDeathPiracyLast willBoatRelicLiterary tonesBlack comedy, Humorous, DramaticAnimations techniquesToy theatreAudienceYoung audiences