Manuscript23 pagesLa Case de la sorcière | Second half of the 19th century | Saint-Étienne, France | FrenchSituation comedyWord warpingApparition of a wizardMagic spellSet that comes to lifeSlapsChange of ageInvisible forceLoveMagicValetKidnappingTestPortraitLiterary tonesFantasy, ComicalAnimations techniquesGlove-puppetAudienceAll audiences
Printed5 pagesL'Homme au cœur en fer forgé | 2012 | Belgium | FrenchSpeech-narrativeChange of size on sightChange of ageCharacter hidden inside anotherAllegoryChildhoodMetalDisappearingPianoHeartLiterary tonesLyrical, DramaticAudienceNot specified