Typewriting22 pagesAvventure di Ruggero dell'Aquila bianca | Between 1980 and 2001 | Palermo, Italy | ItalianFight with an animalRelease of a prisonerSword fightNight sceneMurder on stageAscent to heavenTreasonPoisonMurderRevengePrincessKidnappingWarLiterary tonesEpic, FantasyAnimations techniquesRod marionette, Armed rod marionette, Rod and string marionetteAudienceNot specified
Printed87 pagesLa Princesa del desertRodolf Sirera | 1989 | Valencia, Spain | CatalanNarratorAddress to the publicTheatre within the theatreApparition of a geniusThrowsDanceInstrumental tuneTaleFantasyAdventureVagrantGenieTheatre at schoolEastPrincessLiterary tonesDidactic, FantasyAnimations techniquesShadow theatre, Rod puppet, String marionetteAudienceYoung audiences
Electronic text12 pagesJean le Peureux | 1992 | Liège, Belgium | FrenchBattlefield sceneApparition of the DevilApparition of DeathOff-stage voiceAddress to the publicDeath on stageKnighthoodPrincessPeketFearDrunkennessTestLiterary tonesFantasyAnimations techniquesSingle rod marionettesAudienceYoung audiences