Printed35 pagesDon Juan oder der Steinerne Gast | 1846 | Strasbourg, France | GermanApparitionFlying machineFinal intervention of the devilDisguiseWord for anotherDialogue between characters who do not see each otherMurder on stagePunBawdy equivocationLight effectsSeducerUnwelcome seducerAssassinationServantValetMurderSerial murderPhantomRevenantReligionMoralityAbductionKidnappingFishLeviathanJonasForestCemeteryLiterary tonesDidacticAudienceNot specified
Printed16 pagesBeati i perseguitati a causa della giustizia perché di essi è il regno dei cieliHeureux ceux qui sont persécutés pour la justice, car le royaume des cieux est à eux.Gigio Brunello | 2005 | Mogliano Veneto, Italy | ItalianDialogue between characters who do not see each otherConversationConfinementJusticeImprisonmentMiracleInnocenceLieNose lengtheningLiterary tonesTragic, ComicalAnimations techniquesGlove-puppetAudienceAdults
Printed38 pagesL'Ami (de mon ami)Emanuelle Delle Piane | 2019 | Switzerland | FrenchHidden characterDialogue between characters who do not see each otherAddress to the publicOpposite worldsRecounting of memoriesGreyLonelinessConfettiHorseFriendshipGriefRemembranceBoxSuitcaseJourneyBlack and whiteLiterary tonesComicalAnimations techniquesObject theatre, Shadow theatreAudienceYoung audiences