Printed16 pagesPolichinelle et la Mère Gigogne | 1862 | Paris, France | FrenchBlow-with-a-stickLazziGagRunning gagFinal intervention of the devilCharacter thrown out of the sceneCharacterisation through onomatopoeiaSilver weddingDebtMoneyChildTheftHorseBad fatherBad husbandLarge familyLiterary tonesFarcical, ComicalAnimations techniquesGlove-puppetAudienceAll audiences
Printed9 pagesLas Barandillas del cielo | 1938 | SpanishFlying machineChildAngelDevilSkyStarActivist theatreAgit-propSpainTeatro de UrgenciaWarLiterary tonesFantasyAudienceNot specified
Printed11 pagesUn arbre genialEmpar de Lanuza | 1984 | Valencia, Spain | CatalanMisunderstandingBlow-with-a-stickApparition of a geniusTreeEcologyEnvironmentTaleSeedCandyTheatre at schoolChildMean trickPunishmentLiterary tonesDidactic, FantasyAnimations techniquesGlove-puppetAudienceYoung audiences
Printed47 pagesThe ChildrenEdward Bond | 1999 | London, Great Britain | EnglishBlow with an objectWanderingActor speaking to an objectMassacre sceneApparition of a ghostMurder on stageChildViolenceConflagrationRevengePhantomLiterary tonesDramatic, Tragic, FantasticAnimations techniquesMannequin, Actor and puppetAudienceYoung audiences
Printed24 pagesAladino di tutti i colori | 2007 | Palermo, Italy | ItalianAddress to the publicNarratorStorytellerApparition of the DevilApparition of a geniusFall of a characterFlying machineHidden characterAvistaDialogue between actor and puppetBattlefield sceneFight between an actor and a puppetMagicPowerWarTreasureChildhoodChildPurityLoveGenieLampLiterary tonesFantasyAnimations techniquesArmed rod marionette, Rod and string marionette, Single rod marionettesAudienceNot specified