129 pages
Fantastica visione
sopra il taglio e la vendita di carne con cenni alla questione degli attori, dell'arte, del teatro e del mercato generale degli oggetti nel disarmonico presente
- Prologue
- Song
- Metatheatre
- Political allegory
- Double characters
- Hidden corpse
- Dialect
- Blow-with-a-stick
- Fight
- Flying character
- Masked characters
- Dead talking character
- Apparition of the Devil
- Apparition of an angel
- Puppet theatre within the theatre
- Chase
- Tragic irony
- Stabbing
- Murder on stage
- Scene of recognition
- Splitting of the body
- Revelation
- Scene in the dark
- Seduction scene
- Dream
- Thunderbolt
- Interlude
Literary tones
Tragic, Grotesque, Lyrical
Animations techniques
Actor and puppet, Glove-puppet, Shadow theatre
Not specified