Manuscript3 pagesPolichinelle Grand-Turc | 1708? | Paris, France | FrenchPunChange of social statusFinal songBalletDialogue with a character in the audienceEnrichmentForeignerBallMoneySeraglioBalletLiterary tonesComicalAnimations techniquesRod and string marionetteAudienceNot specified
Manuscript55 pagesGuignol dans la LunePièce féerique en 8 tableaux | 1886 | Lyon, France | FrenchChange of social statusAllusion to current literary eventsMetadiscourse on puppet theatreDialect as a social markerLetterPyrotechnicsReunionExcessive drinkingCosmic journeyMoneyGas balloonParachuteCommunicationBearTradeArmyLiterary tonesComical, Parodistic, FantasyAnimations techniquesGlove-puppetAudienceAll audiences
Printed27 pagesTeste caldeStorie del RisorgimentoGigio Brunello, Gyula Molnár (aka Giulio Molnár) | 2011 | Mogliano Veneto, Italy | ItalianNarratorChange of size on sightLetterLove storyDeceived naivetyPeasant accentAccumulation of eventsStoryChange of social statusMurder on stageUnfaithfulnessTreasonDeceptionDeceived deceiverItalyItalian unityLiterary tonesRealistAnimations techniquesManipulated objectAudienceNot specified